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New App Helps Users Find Fitness Plans Fast

The FitnessPlans app takes the guesswork out of getting fit by providing users with data about other users’ changes in weight, body fat, and lean mass when following a particular program, and offers fitness plans by a variety of fitness professionals.

Consumers want to achieve noticeable results in the most efficient manner possible. An effective plan requires careful engineering.

That service can cost hundreds of dollars and require hours with a fitness professional. And while there's an overabundance of great workout choices today, mainstream consumers lack the time and expertise to engineer an effective plan from these options. Most fitness and nutrition services are unidiscplinary, siloed, and they focus on the means (a great workout), not the end (outcomes). As a result, consumers spend excessive time and money using multiple products, overtraining, and achieve minimal results.

FitnessPlans is a compass, not a coach. The FitnessPlans app takes the guesswork out of getting fit by providing users with data about other users’ changes in weight, body fat, and lean mass when following a particular program. Choose from plans that accommodate any training style, goal, or range of equipment. Each plan day lists out a concise workout and nutrition card and features supplemental behind-the-scenes content from the plan creator that includes daily best practices for achieving optimal results. Users can conduct workouts on their schedule, in the venue of their choice (home, gym, or on the go). No lengthy follow-along workout videos, scrolling, or manual tracking.

FitnessPlans has recently filed for two new patents to help customers invest their time and money wisely.

“We are entering a new era where being your fittest self doesn’t have to be so difficult. When you buy a water bottle on Amazon, there are thousands of ratings on quality, performance, and price. Why then, when it comes to something as meaningful as your personal fitness do consumers have to navigate hundreds of apps, health articles, and the latest social posts to determine the best way to get results,” asked Sarah Ludwig of FitnessPlans. “We’re on a mission to utilize existing technologies to drive outcomes for consumers, professionals, and commercial fitness operators with the highest possible ROI.”

Fitness professionals contribute a great deal of time and workout advice for free, with no easy way to monetize that value. Pros can join the app to create new plans or digitize existing PDFs and hardcopy plans. Once hosted on the app, features like Reel Share® dramatically reduce time required for common tasks like sharing to social, while automatically embedding a purchase link. In addition to automating routine tasks, the platform tracks the likes, clicks, and conversions of such posts to inform the fitness professional of which content will most likely grow their audience and sales.

The FitnessPlans consumer app is now available in the App Store. Fitness professionals interested in joining the platform should visit for more information.

About FitnessPlans

FitnessPlans is a company whose success thrives on the simple idea of making fitness results efficient, effective, and accessible to all. FitnessPlans leverages the best technology available to create solutions that are simple, practical, and connect all sides of the fitness ecosystem.

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Mel Wright


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